Contact Us:

  Welcome to Hania 99.Store, if you want to contact us, feel free to say anything about  We would appreciate your feedback.

  You can contact us at:

  – If you want to share something about the site.
  – If you have any doubts or problems related to our content or anything you want to let us know.
  – If you want to say about our content that is wrong or not in our post.
  – If you want to tell us about any changes to the site theme, colours, etc.
  – If you want to give suggestions to improve Hania 99.Store.
  – If you encounter any error or any problem on our site.

Dear visitor:
You can also contact us to guide us in improving our site. Your feedback is very important to us.

  Do not hesitate to mail us at:  Or fill the form below and submit it to us.  Thank you very much.

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